Monday, December 04, 2006

sad day

Manbeast is gone for a whole week this week. He left bright and early this morning to somewhere called Muskogee for his new job training. A week, I know someone call me a crybaby. I mean there are women out there who have thir husbands in the military for a year at a time. That should make me feel a little better I guess. The thing is he truly is my best friend. Knowing he wont come in after 5pm and that we can just be together is a bummer. I looked up how far away he was because sometimes we just go to where he is and suprise him but its to far this time to just drive up and eat dinner together. Its like 4 hours away :( A call would help but he hates to sit and talk on the phone well as long as I would want to talk anyway. He has only been gone a few hours and there is so much I want to tell him already. Then to top it all of at work this morning I had to tell on a client who will be getting her kids taken away from her by the end of the day because of that call. Sure she was the one who snuck down the fire excape and left her little ones unattended and snuck out for 8 hours and got drunk but I still feel like total crap. That they will be in foseter care or without their mom on christmas. I came home and cried.Im mad she made that decesion knowing she was already warned one more mess up because of things in the past and it was over. Im mad she could just care about herself more than her kids. Im mad she put me in that position :(


Bridget said...

It is incredibly sad for those children, but in the long run, you may have saved one or all of the children from harm. Some people just don't learn.

ang said...

thanks for your comments on my blog. I keep telling myself that it is for the best. Now my work is wanting me to make a report with the police since I am the only one she admitted it to :( I guess this is what will happen in this line of work.